accountingcpd blog

  1. What Does Blockchain Technology Mean for Accountants?

    A blog from accountingcpd

  2. Data Security and Data Ownership

    In November, EY published a news release about how data security, data ownership and the use of cloud technology are stirring uncertainty among...

  3. New technology Applied to International Trade

    It is the conference season in international banking and so there are many announcements of new initiatives, and in the area of international...

  4. Funding Circle are a Major Success Story for Alternative Finance

    One of the major success stories of the alternative business finance market has been the growth of specialist P2P lender Funding Circle, which...

  5. ICAEW UK Economic Forecast: A Need for Unpopular Policies

    ICAEW has published its quarterly economic forecast for the UK. There are no startling findings but it is a useful overview nonetheless. They...

  6. Santander Acquisition of Banco Popular Espanol Should Set the Alarm Bells Ringing

    It was announced recently that Santander had acquired Banco Popular Español for €1, and that Santander intended to launch a rights issue and...