accountingcpd blog

  1. A Year of Landmarks in P2P Business Lending

    Business lending through the new breed of online alternative finance providers – variously known as peer-to-peer or marketplace lenders – has...

  2. FreeAgents IPO Marks a First for UK Equity Crowdfunding

    On November 16, Edinburgh-based online accountancy service FreeAgent floated its shares on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock...

  3. Thoughts Prompted by the Autumn Statement

    We should not have been surprised but we were. The political and economic establishment, we came to realise in 2016, are addicted to continuity...

  4. IFAC, The Pope and Good Governance

    The place of accountancy in a social context is often overlooked, as we place prominence on impressive financial results, growth in monetary...

  5. Maximising Available Cash

    With banks restricted in their lending it has never been more important to maximise the available cash within your own company. Unlocking the...

  6. Robin Sykes Shares his Thoughts on the Autumn Statement

    A week has passed since Philip Hammond's first Autumn Statement. Robin Sykes has been thinking about Hammond’s Statement and here gives a considered...