accountingcpd blog

  1. Professional Scepticism: A Key Skill for Every Finance Professional

    While professional scepticism is usually associated with audit work, it is increasingly being listed as a key skill for every finance professional....

  2. How Can We Ensure that We Continue to Behave Ethically in a World that is Always Changing?

    As finance professionals, do you think we focus enough on ethics? Things change constantly, and new situations emerge that we haven't encountered...

  3. ISO37001: The Latest International Bribery Prevention Tool

    In October 2016, the International Standards Organisation published ISO37001, the anti-bribery management system. Rising public awareness of...

  4. How to Profit From a Ponzi Scheme

    It seems a sad indictment of the human condition that even in this cynical 'seen it all before' age, greed still drives human beings to commit...

  5. Tax Avoidance: The Next Steps

    Its clear that public opinion in the UK has moved from tax avoiders being seen as slightly glamorous bad boys, to a situation where there is...

  6. The Thin Line Between Tax Avoidance and Evasion

    In reading it though, in 2016, with intense heat generated by revelation of major avoidance schemes used by global corporations to mitigate...