accountingcpd blog

  1. Spreadsheets Don't Lie

    Spreadsheets are everywhere as the application of choice for model building and data analysis so they must be correct. Is this true?

  2. Barclays Bank and the Differential Association Theory

    The Barclays case is the first criminal prosecution faced by a bank for financial crisis related misconduct. To understand the case we consider...

  3. ICAEW UK Economic Forecast: A Need for Unpopular Policies

    ICAEW has published its quarterly economic forecast for the UK. There are no startling findings but it is a useful overview nonetheless. They...

  4. Santander Acquisition of Banco Popular Espanol Should Set the Alarm Bells Ringing

    It was announced recently that Santander had acquired Banco Popular Español for €1, and that Santander intended to launch a rights issue and...

  5. Professional Scepticism and Cognitive Bias: A Challenge for Every Finance Professional

    Professional scepticism, or the lack of it, has long been acknowledged as a major issue in audit quality. But are the lessons being applied...

  6. Barclays and Guinness - Déjá vu?

    What have Barclays Bank and Guinness PLC got in common? Not a lot, it would seem. However, there is a connection...