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cpd types

ACCA's research project Professional accountants – the future, identified several 'quotients' that accountants need to be competent in to thrive in the ever-evolving world of accountancy - to become the accountant of the future. This week we are looking at the 'intelligence quotient', focusing on problem solving.

Solving problems is a key employability skill. Sometimes we seem to be good at coming up with solutions, and other times we get stuck and frustrated. Let's look at what behaviours a top problem solver displays, and think about how you measure up...

A top problem solver...

    Solves basic work-related problems. They demonstrate clear thinking and evaluate effective and efficient ways to undertake basic work. They seeks to understand the various ways in which data are presented and critically consider their application in the reporting and decision-support process.

    Solves work-related problems, demonstrating innovative, critical thinking and the ability to plan and undertake projects. They take into account internal data and evaluate options logically. They also analyse complex data from both internal and external sources, demonstrating a clear understanding of the needs of clients and the business.

    Solves work-related and client-related problems. Top problem solvers analyses and evaluate information in the light of business and stakeholder needs. They demonstrate clear, critical thinking to undertake work and solve business problems or weaknesses to improve performance. They also take into account all relevant internal and externally available data to logically evaluate alternatives and recommend solutions or business process change programmes to resolve complex business problems.

As accountants we should be good at this. We pride ourselves on being clear, objective thinkers and that seems to be what ACCA are defining here. How do you think you are doing?

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